Keith Prairie demonstrating how to make due with pencils when you forget to pack your hammers. Photo by Jane Prairie.

Maine: It’s a Small World!

By Keith Prairie | I have frequently busked in Portland, Maine, and one of my favorite spots is where cruise ships come into port. One day while busking near a cruise ship, a fellow came up, introduced himself and said he was from Winfield, Kansas...
Her hard case doubles as a seat as Erin Mae waits on a delayed train between Luxembourg and Frankfurt, Germany. Photo by Justin Lewis.

Europe: Tale of two dulcimers

By Erin Mae | I have always been a bit of a wanderer, and this time the travel bug bit HARD. This summer my husband and I traveled for 4 months, in 7 countries, and across 18 thousand miles. …with 2 mountain dulcimers...
Decoration on the Walnut Valley Festival competition stage. A cowboy hat, two hands, and a guitar cartoon.

How to Win at Winfield

Past hammered and mountain dulcimer Winfield champions share their experiences with the competition and comment on what winning really means.
Dulcimer virtuoso David Schnaufer with two Bonnie Carol dulcimers in front of an old building in Wall Street, Colorado. Photo by Bonnie Carol, late 1970s.

Dulcimers for David

Dulcimers for David is a program that provides instruments to children who want to learn to play mountain dulcimer in memory of David Schnaufer.