Keith Prairie demonstrating how to make due with pencils when you forget to pack your hammers. Photo by Jane Prairie.

Maine: It’s a Small World!

By Keith Prairie | I have frequently busked in Portland, Maine, and one of my favorite spots is where cruise ships come into port. One day while busking near a cruise ship, a fellow came up, introduced himself and said he was from Winfield, Kansas...
Her hard case doubles as a seat as Erin Mae waits on a delayed train between Luxembourg and Frankfurt, Germany. Photo by Justin Lewis.

Europe: Tale of two dulcimers

By Erin Mae | I have always been a bit of a wanderer, and this time the travel bug bit HARD. This summer my husband and I traveled for 4 months, in 7 countries, and across 18 thousand miles. …with 2 mountain dulcimers...
Decoration on the Walnut Valley Festival competition stage. A cowboy hat, two hands, and a guitar cartoon.

How to Win at Winfield

Past hammered and mountain dulcimer Winfield champions share their experiences with the competition and comment on what winning really means.